Dr. Janice Kan
Registered Specialist Prosthodontist
Dental Qualifications
- Bachelor of Dental Science (Honours), University of Western Australia, Australia
- Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (Prosthodontics), University of Melbourne, Australia
- Fellow of The Academy of Australian and New Zealand Prosthodontists
- Fellow of the International Team for Implantology
- Fellow of the Academy of Dentistry International
- Fellow of the International College of Dentists
- Member of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons (Prosthodontics)
Dr. Janice Kan founded The Centre for Prosthodontics in 2011 and its education program to build on Perth’s reputation as a leading centre in advanced dental and prosthodontic treatments.
In the years since she has forged her reputation through holding fellowships and lecturer positions at well-respected institutions around the world, presenting her knowledge at many national and international dental education events, publishing her clinical and research work in the reputable dental journal and textbook, and being sought out for leadership roles in peak industry bodies – most notably as the Past President of the Academy of Australian and New Zealand Prosthodontists (AANZP) and Study Club Coordinator of the International Team for Implantology (ITI) Australasian Section.
A perfectionist by nature, Dr. Kan’s focus continues to be her hands-on clinical work, where she takes great pride in planning and execution of complex prosthodontic treatments that structurally and cosmetically solve her patient’s problems for the long term.
Specialty areas of focus
- Aesthetic/Cosmetic Challenges – Ceramic Rehabilitation
- Dental Implant Biomechanics and Reconstructions
- Complex Reconstruction – Management of Worn and Failing Dentition
- Complex Multidisciplinary Dental Treatment – Collaboration with Other Dental Specialists
- 2001 – Wyn Needham Memorial Prize for most outstanding student in Bachelor of Dental Science (UWA)
- 2007 – Commendations in the completion of the Primary Examinations of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons.
Dr. Kan is a member/fellow/presenter of the following reputable professional organisations
- International Team for Implantology (Fellow, ITI Australasia Section Study Club Coordinator, Section Leadership Team, and Registered Speaker)
- The Academy of Australian and New Zealand Prosthodontists (Past President and Fellow)
- Academy of Dentistry International (Fellow)
- International College of Dentists (Fellow)
- University of Western Australia (Adjunct Senior Clinical Lecturer)
- Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons (Prosthodontics) (Member)
- International College of Prosthodontists (Member and Guest Lecturer)
- American College of Prosthodontists (Guest Lecturer)
- Australian Prosthodontic Society (Member and Guest Lecturer)
- Australasian Osseointegration Society (Member and Guest Lecturer)
- Australian Dental Association (Guest Lecturer)
- Women in Dentistry Society WA (Founder and Past President)
- Dental Specialists Society of Western Australia (Member)
Key Conferences Presented – 2010-2023
- International College of Prosthodontists (ICP) Conference 2021 (Virtual Biennial Meeting, USA)
- American College of Prosthodontists – Digital Dentistry Symposium 2021 (Virtual Conference, USA)
- The International Team for Implantology – ITI Congress Australasia 2016 (Melbourne, Australia)
- The International Team for Implantology – ITI Education Day 2012 (Adelaide, Australia)
- International College of Prosthodontists (ICP) Conference 2011 (Hawaii, USA)
- International Quintessence Symposium on Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry 2010 (Sydney, Australia)
- The Academy of Australian and New Zealand Prosthodontists (AANZP) Biennial Conference 2010 (Melbourne, Australia)
Published work:
- The abstract of Dr. Kan’s research publication can be found via: Kan, J. P. M., R. B. Judge, et al. (2014) In-vitro bone strain analysis of implant following occlusal overload. Clinical Oral Implants Research. 25(2):e73-82. (Article Epub 2012)
- To refer to the published clinical case performed by Dr. Kan: “Repeated Acrylic Fractures on a Mandibular Fixed Full-arch Implant-supported Metal / Acrylic Prosthesis” in (2014) S.Chen, D. Buser, D. Wismeijer (Eds.). ITI Treatment Guide Volume 8 – Biological and Hardware Complications in Implant Dentistry. Quintessence Publishing Co. Ltd, Chicago (2014), pp. 184-187.
- To listen to the Australian Dental Association interview with Dr. Kan on her research, please click the link below :
Dental Files Clinical & Business Updates for Dentists (Program 3, Track 3) – Audio