
Complications from Greece

Reconstructive Dentistry Perth - Centre for Prosthodontics Reconstructive Dentistry Perth - Centre for Prosthodontics
Reconstructive Dentistry Perth - Centre for Prosthodontics Reconstructive Dentistry Perth - Centre for Prosthodontics
Reconstructive Dentistry Perth - Centre for Prosthodontics Reconstructive Dentistry Perth - Centre for Prosthodontics

64 year old, Female.

  • Severe pain and burning sensation from the use of upper dental implant bar supported removable overdenture – performed at a hospital / academic institution in Greece.
  • Unsatisfactory tooth crown and bridge work in lower jaw due to poor margin fit and dental caries (tooth decay) development)
  • Unsatisfactory upper dental implant bar supported removable overdenture – design issues include:
    • Inadequate space allowed for bar design – missing bar section at the front part of upper jaw due to prominent incisive papilla (nerve and arterial opening).
    • Inadequate space for oral hygiene measures (cleaning) under bar- gum overgrowth around bar (pain, swelling, redness).
  • Chronic atrophic candidiasis (denture stomatitis)- fungal gum infection underlying overdenture
  • Dismantle of dental implant bar in the upper jaw and modification of existing upper complete denture to allow temporary use – offering immediate relief of pain and burning sensation.
  • Dismantle dental crown and bridge work in lower teeth (as required) to determine the restorability and their replacement.
  • Extraction (removal) of lower right canine tooth – found unrestorable.
  • Construction of new upper full arch dental implant (conus abutment) supported and retained removable overdenture.


While you can access our services without a referral, we strongly suggest you speak to your dentist first. Our team are available to help discuss your options.